Bom dia amoreeeeeeeeeees!
Good morning sweetieeeeeees!
Tudo bem com vocês? Espero que sim. A convidada V.I.P.A. de hoje é uma norueguesa super hiper talentosa que já sigo há algum tempo no Instagram (sigam lá vocês também @polishedelegance). Sigo o blog dela também e as manis dela fazem juz ao nome, sempre muito elegantes. Com vocês, a Lisa do Polished Elegance:
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well. Today's V.I.P.A. guest is an amazingly talented Norwegian girl I've been following on Instagram for a long time (you should follow her as well @polishedelegance). I also follow her blog. Her mani's really do the blog's name justice, they're always very elegant. I present you Lisa from Polished Elegance:
Hello everyone of Giovanna’s fabulous readers! My name is Lisa and I have a nail art blog called Polished Elegance. I have to admit, I did not know Giovanna had a blog, I’ve been following her on Instagram for quite a while, so when she asked me to do a guest post I was of course very honoured and also surprised since I didn’t know she blogged as well ;)
For this awesome opportunity I decided to do another version of a manicure I did a little while ago, but haven’t posted it yet, it will be published on my blog in a few days, so be sure to check it out ;) The first one was very bright and girly, this one I wanted more elegant. Black lace over a golden taupe, I am so in love with it!
I used Golden Rose – Fashion 107, it’s a very pretty taupe color packed with gold shimmer, the shimmer gives the polish a gorgeous dimension. I used three coats for full opacity, but if I weren’t going to photograph it two coats would have been enough. Then I painted the lace doily design using black acrylic paint a tiny brush.

I want to thank Giovanna so much for having me here and letting me do a guest post for you guys! I hope I did her blog justice and that you like my manicure! Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments, and also come visit me over at my blog. :)
Genteeeee, não é a perfeição essa mani dela?! Olhem esses detalhes feitos à mão. Vocês acham que eu arraso nos desenhos à mão né?! Nem chego aos dedinhos dos pés dela! :-P
Mais uma vez, muito obrigada por ter participado Lisa! Amei demais!
Guuuuuuys, isn't her mani absolutely perfect?! Look at those details. You think I'm good at freehand right?! Well, I don't even get slightly close to her level! :-P
Once again, thank you for having accepted my invitation Lisa! I love it!
Super beijo e até amanhã com mais uma mani do desafio.
Big kiss and see you tomorrow with another mani from the challenge.