Good morning pretties!
Como vocês estão? Eu estou muito muito bem. Estou adorando o meu novo trabalho, as condições são muito boas e meus novos colegas me receberam super bem! :-D
Outra boa novidade é que estou usando um MacBook que o meu amor me emprestou e minha vida internáutica melhorou em 100%, agora posso abrir mais de 10 abas sem que o computador trave e visitar os blogs lindos de vocês com mais frequência. ;-)
How are you doing? I'm very very well. I'm loving my new job, the work conditions are very good and my new colleagues welcomed me very well! :-D
Another good thing is that I'm using a MacBook my love lent me and my online life is 100% better, now I can open 10 tabs without blocking the computer and visit all your awesome blogs more frequently. ;-)
A mani de hoje é um dos meus pontos fracos, como vocês puderam notar no domingo passado: gradiente! Sofro para acertar os gradientes, mas acho que esse saiu bem melhor.
E vou praticar ainda mais, podem ter certeza.
Today's mani is one of my weakest points, as you could see last Sunday: gradient! I suffer to get them bloody gradients right (sorry for cursing!), but I think this one is way better. And I'll practice even more, for sure.
As base color I used Zazá by Ellen Gold that I got as a gift from my dear friend Paula. Then I used Sammy's technique, from the famous The Nailasaurus, where he teaches an easier way to make the gradients, with this tutorial here. Before that I was trying to make the gradient directly on the sponge and then put in on the nails, but I think that's why they wouldn't turn out smooth.
Dessa vez eu fiz direitinho como ela explica. Passei o Zazá e o Grape Pop no plástico, misturei os dois um pouquinho pra "juntar" as cores, peguei com a esponja e pronto, deu certooooooooo! Fiquei muito feliz com o resultado gente, finalmente consegui. Agora quero fazer muitos outros, até ficar craque que nem ela. ;-)
This time I did it right as she explains. I put Zaza and Grape Pop on a plastic sheet, mixed them a bit to blend the colors, got it with the sponge and voilà, it worked! I was so happy with the result guys, I finally got it. Now I want to make many others, until I become an expert like she is. ;-)
To finish I put a thin coat of Fairy Dust by China Glaze, that gave the mani this special shine. What did you think? Much better than last week's right?
Big kiss and see you on the next post.