Hi guys!
Tenho que confessar que fiz essa mani já estava na lista há um tempão e acho linda demais. Daí aproveitei para usar o filme A Praia como desculpa para a inspiração. Heheheheheh
I have to admit I did this mani because it was on my to-do list for a long time and I find it very pretty. Then I just used the movie The Beach as excuse for the inspiration. Heheheheh
Wild White Ways & Blue Bubble Di Blue - Essence
Don't Pretzel My Buttons - OPI
Ranheta - Inocos
Tutorial by Elleandish
Amei de paixão essa mani.
I love this mani so much.
Beijão e, se tudo der certo, até amanhã.
Big kiss and, if everything goes well, see you tomorrow.
31DC2014 Day 23: Inspired by a Movie
31DC2013 Day 23: Inspired by a Movie
The 31 Day Challenge 2015 - Day 23 - Inspired by a Movie
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.