Good morning girls!
Vi essa mani da Kristin e fiquei tão apaixonada que resolvi recriar. Confesso que demorei umas 3 horas porque estava distraída assistindo ao seriado Grimm... hahahahaha
I've seen this mani by Kristin and got so in love with it that I decided to recreate it. I have to admit it took me about 3 hours because I was distracted watching Grimm.. hahahahah
Which is Witch? - OPI
Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red & Orange - EDK Soap Bubbles
Não ficou a coisa mais linda?
Fiz no domingo e como não tive tempo de trocar durante a semana, ainda estou com ela, intacta! \o/
Isn't it gorgeous?
I did it on Sunday and since I didn't have time to change it during the week, I'm still wearing it, intact! \o/