
sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2014

V.I.P.A. with Anutka from Wacky Laki

Bom dia lindonaaaaaas!
Good morning prettieeeeees!

Aqui está a novidade que falei pra vocês. Resolvi voltar com as convidadas V.I.P.A. (Very Important Polish Addict), mas mudei o nome e a forma do post. Continua sendo sob convite, mas o post quem escreve é a convidada, com uma mani preparada especialmente para a participação. Hoje eu falo pouco pois a presença fala tudo! ;-) 
Here's the news I told you about. I decided to bring back the V.I.P.A. (Very Important Polish Addict), but under a new name and a different structure. It's still under my invitation, but who writes the post is my guest, featuring a special mani done for the guest post. I talk little today because the presence says it all! ;-)


Hello to all the lovely GioNails readers! My name is Anutka from the blog Wacky Laki. I'm so honored that Giovanna has asked me to guest post here today and create a manicure to share with all of you. I first saw Giovanna's beautiful manicures on Instagram and very quickly became a fan of her art. We both share a love of stamping so I knew that I wanted to create a stamped manicure to show you here today...

For this manicure I started out with a base of Zoya Normani from the Naturel collection. This lovely neutral taupe shade lends itself very well for layering nail art. I stamped the flowers from plate W226 (purchased on AliExpress) using Pure Ice Silver Mercedes. This silver polish is my go to when it comes to stamping. It never fails for me and works better than other silvers shades that I have tried...

I accented the flowers using acrylic paint by adding purple flower centers and other random dots with a dotting tool. I also used black paint to color in the 'empty' spaces on the flower petals that are part of the stamped pattern. I thought this made them stand out more and added dimension to the manicure...

I hope you enjoyed seeing this manicure here today! I have been wearing it for almost a week and still loving it! I'd love to know what you think of it :)

A big thank you to Giovanna for allowing me to share my nail art here today! I'm so truly honored to be guest posting among your beautiful manicures!

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)


E ai meninas? Ela é muito diva não é? Vocês nem imaginam a minha felicidade quando ela aceitou o convite. Me sinto muito honrada mesmo. Gente, não traduzi o que ela escreveu pois senão o post ficaria enorme, por isso é só vocês usarem o tradutor do Google ali no lado direito.  
So girls, isn't she a diva? You don't even imagine how happy I was when she accepted my invitation. I feel really honored. Thank you so much Anutka! You're very sweet! :*

Beijos e até amanhã.
Big kisses and see you tomorrow.